Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Standing Up For All the Little Guys

Do you know what you're paying for?  What exactly is a Federal Universal Service Fee? Local number portability?  It's amazing what we pay for and don't understand.  And what about those rate hikes that we take lying down?

Today, we salute George James of Bakersfield.  It's true... his story didn't make it on CNN or in the New York Times, but his letter to the editor Explain Yourself, Cable Guy is at least a highlight in his hometown.  His home cable bill has gone up year after year.  Year after year he questions it but with little satisfaction.

My point today is:  Question it!  Do an audit of your bills - spend the time understanding what you're paying for and questioning each of the charges with your utility provider.  You'll be surprised what you're paying for that you probably don't want and/or need.  Every dollar counts and wouldn't you rather be spending those dollars on your financial goals?

When you've become an expert on your bills, remember that Consumer Utility may be able to help lower your monthly utility bills even further!  Submit your information now and see what we can do.

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